Concept 1: Embrace
Rings can be any shape; it is not decided that they must be a hoop.
This ring embraces one’s finger from right to left, and the diamonds seem to
float between the fingers. This is the masterpiece by TOMOKO KODERA,
who designs with ingenuity and thinks outside of the box.
Concept 2: Align
A ring for the ring finger of the left hand and a ring for the little finger of the right hand….
Tomoko Kodera considers the shape of a ring according to each finger. Please look carefully at
your palm. You’ll notice that the base of each finger is not straight but slanted.
As “TOMOKO KODERA” rings are designed to align with this slant, rings sit securely
and show the beauty of the hand.
Concept 3: Bespoke
Different styles of earrings suit different ears. Just as if choosing clothes that fit one’s size
and figure, Tomoko Kodera suggests that one should choose the style of earring that suits the shape
and style of one’s ears. Afterall, earrings are the piece of jewelry closest to a lady’s face,
and so it is important to balance look and function, beauty and comfort, and most importantly
to make sure that the earrings fit one’s ears perfectly.
Concept 4: Space
Tomoko Kodera considers the stage to be not just earlobes but also the space around one’s face,
and she designs earrings accordingly. Earring backs are also a part of the design itself.
The earring should look beautiful from every angle, as well as feel secure and be easy to
put on and take off.
Concept 5: Flow
Most of the beauty found in nature is composed of asymmetric curves.
The female figure also has that grace and beauty.
“TOMOKO KODERA” jewelry is inevitably designed to align with the natural curves of
and spaces around the body, rather than decorate a single point or surface.
Wearing a single piece is beautiful, of course. By combining multiple pieces, however,
such as a ring on the middle finger, one on the little finger and a bracelet, each individual
piece echoes another, producing a natural and beautiful flow of elegance around you.